I read this with a heavy sigh. I like(d) Gaiman. I thought he was one of the good ones. His allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community was impressive. This is shocking, disappointing, and yet, sadly, not that surprising. Privileged, entitled white men are so used to getting away with abusing their power that they can't even see how wrong it is.

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Jul 5Liked by Julia Raeside

Fiona Shaw is Irish

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Ooh crumbs, yes. My mistake.

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Good piece and agree with you completely.

(Although didn't I see something in the news recently that Brooks-Coulson era News International having a willing kiss-and-tell girl on retainer?)

Questions - why so little pickup in wider media? Why none of Gaiman's many collaborators commenting? Why are his publishers, Amazon etc not responding? How would you explain? I find it surprising.

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What you have typed above is the status quo. Without proof, with the libel laws as they stand, women are unable/unwilling to try and disrupt it. It's not just one man. It is a whole patriarchy designed by men which protects so many men who abuse their power in this way.

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