This is the outcome of a 4 year investigation.

This not an assassination; this is a man who’s past caught up to him, which is happening to a lot of men lately.

Their defense? The matrix. The left. New World Order.

Tough luck.

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Where is the evidence?

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Did you even read the article?

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I did... There isn't one shred of irrefutable evidence to support the claims... This is trial by press

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And the rape reported right away with admissible evidence filed by the woman he raped? That wasn't enough, huh? Google and read the articles.

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What relevant evidence?.. It's simply not enough to demonstrate DNA evidence of intercourse due to the risk of entrapment.

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You clearly didn't read any of the results of the four year investigation and the lawyers of Brand were denied the defamation lawsuit because of the veracity of the claims. It's moving forward in court. This is very real.

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It's speculative press alright ..But the trial is going to be real.

This Limited Hangout, Russell Brand stooge is a pal of WEF queer and super creep, Yuval Noah Harari.

There's a crime going unprosecuted.

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If there is a crime going unprosecuted as you suggest there aught be evidence that doesn't rely solely on idle gossip.... Where is that evidence?

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Rhetorical prosecutions are not lost on you are they Timmy.?

Now put, images of Russell Brand and Yuval Noah Harari, in your search bar.

.......I'll wait here till you get back to me.

In edit: And the evidence of Brands sexual assaults, will be presented in court, won't they?

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Nov 4
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Take your pills. Any pills at this point. The absolute delusion you have cast for yourself is worrying

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I'm not in thrall to Big Pharma.

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Translated: I am a very unwell person who engages in knights-move thinking and wild nonsense like a schizophrenic and will actively seek out more things to ruin my life and head with instead of actually try to help myself because the fleeting feeling is righteousness is far more comfortable than doing the work of realizing you're just fucking wrong about the world

And yeah please take a goddamn pill of some kind

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Jane Baker: “that dirty yid Zelensky”. With all due respect, ma’am, which is zero respect, you sound pretty weird, maybe even a little creepy. Not at all like someone who should be purporting to write authoritatively about ANYTHING. Your ideologies are twisted and inconsistent l would suggest some kind of professional intervention if I wasn’t pretty certain you were a Russtroll.

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Sep 23, 2023
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Angry? You must have misintepreted my tone. I was speaking facts.

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“He declared himself so important to the world....” You nailed it.

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Thank you.

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His appearance in the video suggests that he is a psychopath. Also his statements.

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But when did the press become the justice system? I mean we want justice for these women that Russell has allegedly assaulted. Will they get it now that the world is split, yet again, into us and them on an issue? Why wasn’t he arrested and charged by the police for these crimes if the evidence is so strong against him? Has he been charged? How will he have any kind of real impartial trial? So how will these women get their justice? You hit the mail on the head with your title. Except you didn’t mention the women whose chance at justice has been assassinated. This is trial by media circus. In the one corner the big news outlets and in the other the guy who has made a career from calling out their hypocrisy. David and Goliath. Well done 👍🏽

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The justice system fails women. Many women don’t report their rapes at the time out of fear and shame. Particularly if the assailant is famous/high status. The ones who do face a three year wait and a 1-2% conviction rate. Victims are cross examined and pulled apart, their sexual history and drug/alcohol habits used against them. It must be nice to feel so confident in current legal routes to the “justice” you’re talking about. For nearly all victims of rape, those routes are dead ends. Nearly all.

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These debates are ageless.

False Accusations are Very Common and are rarely criminally prosecuted.

Works Both Ways

Best Chance of Successful Prosecution is Coming Forward Early

Wealthy and High Status are frequently falsely accused for $ because true or not public accusations do permanent damage.

Best to avoid high risk situations. This is not blaming the victim. This is advice on how not to be a victim. Big Difference

Very Hard to Prove Who is Telling the Truth and Who is Lying when all takes place behind closed doors. Often both can be doing both.

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False accusations make up between 2 and 10% of rape allegations. So no, not common.

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False Accusations IF 2-10% is common. Certainly not rare. And is certainly significant.

A lot of false accusations never go to court. They are used to extort divorce settlements or child custody or just settlements

So would be interesting to know how 2-10% derived

From what I can tell it is from rape accusations reported to police

that dramatically undercounts the problem

also depends if denominator is all raped reported or only non stranger ones.

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Janice Fiamengo cited research on her Substack recently showing false allegations make up something around 40%. I believe it was for Australia.

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"False accusations are very common": okay, Documention, please. Prove your statement or admit that it is a fact-free assumption.

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This. All of this. 💯 agree. As an assault survivor, this is exactly what happens.

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As is the one playing out now.

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Not if the women have been able to warn others about an alleged predator.

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One is on his way to the White House. We are far from never again. Very, very far.

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“The justice system fails women”.

And then you proceed to describe how women don’t report rape and when they do there isn’t enough evidence to convince. So …it’s the justice system’s fault?! 🤦‍♂️

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Considering how many FALSE rape allegations are made against men, with the accuser granted anonymity and the accused's name and reputation destroyed by the Press, I would say that the Justice System fails Men to a far greater extent. That isn't saying anything about the Russell Brand story which probably has more substance to it. But he is a white man and so middle class women are happy to hound him. Unlike Pakistani grooming gangs targeting under-age working class children where the response is instead to start tutting about white "racism".

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When I read that reply I thought of Prima Facie 😔

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Sep 22, 2023
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I'm advocating for the women without a voice. Until the legal system is reformed, I'll continue to do that. If you're advocating for women to stay quiet unless they get a conviction, you are advocating for the silencing of sexual assault victims. This is where we are at the moment. I hope it will change.

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Sep 22, 2023
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I appreciate your taking the time to comment and I can see you care about this a lot. But in the case of Brand, speaking as someone on the front line of this, no one is pulling strings to make anyone write and publish this story. Brand's very expensive lawyers took this to the wire. He is no underdog. He is serving only himself. I'm sorry you can't see that. The stories of his behaviour with women far far predate any sort of interest he later showed in taking down the establishment.

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Sep 22, 2023
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Not to mention…have you read USA Today’s multi-year investigation into how rape kits don’t even get analyzed? That, in itself, is a crime. Justice system. That’s outright comical.

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Oh! That's really disheartening.

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Dallas County saved rape kits from decades ago under DA Wade (yes, the Wade from Roe) pre DNA and they have been used in DNA world for quite some time now.

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The thing people don’t seem to understand about our innocent until proven guilty doctrine is that it does not apply to the average layperson. It only applies to the courts. There is no legal precedent that says we as individual private citizens have to consider someone innocent until they’re proven guilty, so there’s nothing to prevent speculation about an accused or an accuser in the media. I, as a private citizen have no obligation to assume guilt or innocence. Now, if you’re assigned to the jury and your job is render a verdict, then it absolutely will apply to you. But it doesn’t apply to the press and it doesn’t apply to the rest of us.

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Well said.

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Not really. Libel and Slander Still Apply. Dumb Rant

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The same reason that Jonny depp and Brad Pitt are still running around claiming victimhood

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Brand has been a useful, Limited Hangout for the establishment for the past few years.

The establishment don't need him anymore. The police hierarchy are Freemasonic and if high degree Freemason orders are to let Brand off the hook at a given time ..then the police will obey their higher orders and Brand will be left alone for the duration.

The duration is over.

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Nov 4
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I know where you're coming from but don't rush to accuse. For decades, centuries, young women have put themselves in harms way hoping to catch the rich and famous boyfriend/husband and, more often than not, been disappointed. Whether that be simple rejection or abused and rejected. Often these young women are already victims of abuse or know no better. Some, no doubt, are calculating; the benefit outweighing the risk. However, one must not label all as being responsible for the situation they found themselves in.

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And for decades and centuries...women have been blamed for dressing the wrong way, for going out to dinner or having a drink with a man, being out late at night, smiling, not smiling, for choosing the wrong color...she must have wanted it??? Golddigger? Okay. For too long men have been given the benefit of the doubt. That time must be over. Women must be believed. Brand is a blow-hard, arrogant asshole who talks fast and loud and mansplains everything until your head spins...until people find themselves agreeing just to shut him up. He is a facade. He now has made himself an enemy of the "woke" media, becoming a regular on FOX News with other men who extol themselves as victims of an emasculating society. Brand is no victim and he needs to be held accountable. Thank you, Julia, for this informative piece.

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Men who quickly dismiss cases like this without any context, or often form a viewpoint before even exploring the context, need to engage in some self introspection and ask themselves why they’re so bothered before even knowing the case at hand

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Regardless of Brand, men’s reactions to accusation from women towards men are likely and largely based on having been falsely accused of various misdeeds that never happened.

In fact, skepticism until the facts are in is an intelligent, wise, and mature response to any claim in any field or topic.

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Dec 18Edited

If 10% of 🍇 cases are falsified, then a guilty-before-proven-innocent approach is quite harmful to the 90% that tell the truth.

There’s a difference between not believing someone and considering all evidence before passing judgement.

If there wasn’t such a stigma towards women who speak out about these kinds of abuses, the world would be a safer place for us all.

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And false rape accusations are rarer than that, in the single digits. Source: https://evawintl.org/best_practice_faqs/false-reports-percentage/

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Wrong. Those are false rape accusations that are reported to police.

Many false rape accusations never go that far as they are used in divorces, child custody, child support, extortion.

I suspect this is the vast majority

Again it is valuable to teach girls and women how to avoid situations that increase their risk.

This If not blaming the victim this is practical advice. If one becomes a victim it is not their fault, It is the rapist fault.

But again the nature of the beast is two people alone with no witnesses.

If something goes wrong. hard to prove anything.

You know who has not been accused of rape, Mike Pence.

Men can also avoid situations

While it is extremely difficult for outsiders to know the truth absent audio or video... 100x more when alcohol and drugs are involved as the participants may not know the truth. They sometimes don't even when sober.

Headboard Cams ?

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Yes, young women should be taught to “avoid” certain red-flag situations. But we aren’t. Neither are men. It’s not a part of sex-ed & never was. And sex-ed is a thing of the past. Parents don’t really teach these things either (hence the application of sex-ed).

Young men are encouraged and applauded for their conquests. Women are shamed for being sexual. The shamed person is less likely to speak up because they know that (mostly white) men get away with it, even if/when evidence is found.

I don’t think it’s a matter of “avoiding”. People (mostly men) who rape are seeking to control. Doesn’t matter what you look like, what you wore, if you were sober or just walking home from school or work.

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One: it’s supposed to be taught in the home, and by learning from other’s negative experiences.

In fact, people watch true-crime shows because it is a natural interest to see how bad things are done to people.

Two: if you are in a position to be victimized, then behavior absolutely does matter. Predators have been asked many times over the years how do they choose their targets. Again and again, their vulnerability, weakness, and isolation were all points.

If you’re drunk, alone, and wobbling in high heels, you have made yourself a target.

In at least one case, for the predators that plan, they would NOT choose the target based on whether the FATHER was a threat. Imagine that.

The point is lots of people want to control others in lots of ways.

Raise your kids not to be victims of predators and manipulators.

And don’t be weak, isolated from friends, and inebriated EVER, much less amongst strangers.

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proving a claim is false and proving a claim is true are completely different.

This is a question of thinking, logic, and the established law. And even the law can be found wanting in such circumstances.

The notoriously low-bar to get a restraining orders in custody disagreements is just one example of this. There is no way to know if the claim is outright false. And there is often nothing but one person’s words to enact the restraining order. This is well known.

Here’s what AI just kicked out:

*”Abuse of Restraining Orders

Restraining orders, also known as protective orders, are designed to protect victims of domestic violence, harassment, or stalking from further harm. However, in some cases, these orders can be misused or abused, causing unintended consequences and harm to innocent individuals.

Types of Abuse

False Allegations: Restraining orders can be obtained based on false or exaggerated allegations, leading to the wrongful restriction of an individual’s rights and freedoms.

Overly Broad Orders: Orders can be issued that are overly broad or vague, restricting an individual’s ability to interact with their children, family members, or friends without sufficient evidence of harm.

Lack of Due Process: In some cases, individuals may not receive a fair hearing or adequate notice before a restraining order is issued, violating their due process rights.

Use as a Tactic in Family Disputes: Restraining orders can be used as a strategic tool in family disputes, such as divorce or child custody proceedings, to gain an advantage or punish the other party.”*

Re: the topic at hand, there is similar potential for abuse.

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One can create any number at will. Im not just talking about (g)rape. History and human experience has shown my statement to be true. In fact, your response is a mild form of dissembling, with quite a few embedded assumptions.

Another thing to be aware of: it’s quite possible the most consisted form of deceit is self-deceit. Innocent until proven guilty is the only way to proceed ethically, morally, and for a stable society. Now, if you don’t think those things are important, that those ideas of society are not good, then live your life accordingly. Others will choose differently, They are certainly not wrong for doing so.

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Just realizing I by and large agree with you, save for that last part re: stigma. Modern times have definitely shifted in this regard.

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I’ve found the simple concepts in The Four Agreements, and the subsequent Fifth Agreement, to be helpful in wrapping one’s head around this topic. Human’s are an interesting bunch.

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I don’t know much about that, I’ve never accused a man of anything false like that. I want to know the real truth about Matt Gaetz and Russell Brand the real truth the facts and then I’ll decide.

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That’s amazing Ronda. Yet that’s a strong claim. Just imagine if someone claimed that you had falsely accused them of something.

You would expect strong evidence to support their assertion. In fact, demand it.

No different here. We all want to know all the facts, the truth. Not stories, narratives, hunches, and gut feelings.

You know, what verifiably happened.

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Reflexively Dismissing or Accepting are two sides of same coin.

Except burden of proof is on the accuser.

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Dec 7
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Lies that Israel is a real nation with real Hebrews. Lies that Palestinians are not being genocided

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Lies about the plandemic and the poisonous vaccine. Lies that women aren’t abusers and liars. i was born a woman and will die a woman, and I wouldn’t give you two figs for most of what any woman has to say about a man, or any men in general. I’m tired of liars of either sex. And YES. There are only TWO choices: MAN or Woman.

It’s obvious this writer is willing to believe ALL the lies anyone will tell her. What that is, is called GOSSIP. And she loves spreading gossip and ruining lives. It truly is a form of witchcraft, that acts like journalism. What a joke.

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Thank you, you nailed the shit out of it. So sick of women having this sanctimonious attitude as if always innocent by virtue of a vagina.

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Israel is a real nation, there is no people group called ‘Palestinians’, the name was made up by a dirty little Arab named Yasir Arafat. They aren’t wanted by any of their fellow Arab nations over there , because they’re such a vile bunch . They aren’t wanted cowards who place their munitions in schools and hospitals….and in people’s HOMES. They strap bombs on little children, they use women and children as shields. COWARDS. COWARDS. COWARDS.

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The two-State concept was written into the UN materials when creating Israel

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Your ignorance is profound. That is irrelevant. There were many plans for the British mandate of Palestine. At one time Jordan was to be part of Israel with the British change their mind because of a deal elsewhere. Israel and Jordan was the two state solution. In addition, there was an offer for Gaza and westbank to be a state. This was rejected 1947. So they became part of Israel. Then were captured in the multi state war on Israel 1948. And the second multi-state war on Israel they were lost and Israel regained. In 19 73 the third multi-state War on Israel,Israel held it. The Residents never controlled it in a very few residents. 1947 there was something like 20,000 Gazans

Everything you think you know is false about Israel and Islam in the Middle East

The truth about Palestine

Rawaf A-Saeen (Famous Saudi Writer)


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They could’ve written it on Arafat’s pedophilic ASS. The G_d Who created Israel will, one day…….Mark my words, utterly destroy the enemies of Israel.

Btw…..as far as I know, I am a mutt. I have no genealogy to hang on the wall. But Israel’s genealogy is unassailable, as far as I am concerned. I will fight for her….maybe just with my mouth and my keyboard (because I’m old), but fight I will.

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You have mental problems Like everyone I've ever met that advertisers they are MENSA. Mensa is no big deal just top 2% of IQ.

I was 99th and a half percentile on the GMAT. And the percentile is only for those taking the GM at which is only those that are graduating 4yr colleges which is only about a quarter of the population.

You're a disgrace to the founders including the Jewish Alexander Hamilton. Whose mother was Rachel Levine

Now you know what you can go do to yourself. Just never stop doing it

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Nazi elsewhere lying Collectivist or Muslim

Israel is a real country created the same way most of the countries in the Middle East were created from the failed defeated Muslim Ottoman (Turk) Empire. They're also countries created this way in Africa and the Pacific because of the fall of Germany and others.

There's all happened after World War I and continuing until after World War II and was done by The League of Nations the British the French a few others and the UN

Israel neighbors Lebanon Syria Jordan Iraq were created the same way

You are a JewPhobe and a liar

There's no genocide in Gaza.

You don't even know what the word means. The word genocide was created after the Holocaust to describe it. The Holocaust itself occurred because of Hitler who copied the Muslim Turk genocide of over 2 million Armenians Assyrians and Greeks 1915. MEIN KAMPF means MY STRUGGLE while JIHAD Means STRUGGLE to conquer the world for Islam and Sharia.

Everything you think you know is a lie. You're evil and an enemy of Western Civ and Freedom

You will be held accountable

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We will all be held accountable, mostly for not seeking truth, for wrapping ourselves in comfortable lies.

Something about casting the first stone comes to mind, and throwing them in glass houses.

At this point in time, The West is deeply corrupt everywhere and always.

There are lies embedded in all the big dates, which include J6, 10/7, and 9/11.

The lies are deep and thorough.

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Vague Vacuous Vile Vapid Reply

Because You Were Vanquished

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Clever and stupid, simultaneously

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Your vicious lies are poison.

How dare you call yourself MAGA?

YOU are an anti-Semite, and I daresay you'll be hearing from the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL! (likely won't go well)

"I will Bless [her] who blesses Israel... and [she] that curses her, I WILL CURSE"

(show me where it says He was kidding!)

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So Maga has a queen and you’re it?

I don’t even think you are who you say you are, Israel has a whole force of people that write hateful words to people who expose their terrorist state and their genocide of Palestinians and Syrians.

Israel has a whole battalion of cyber warfare, soldiers . Israelis are Kazarian Turks Ashkenazi Eastern European people they are not the Hebrew Israelis of the Bible that Israelites.. they practice Zionism, which is a form of Satanism. Following a book called the Talmud from Babylon.

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Oct 31
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Why is a man "so afraid of being accused of rape"? This is to be taken seriously? You did not read To Kill a Mockingbird.

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I believe he is saying that many men, even those with nothing to fear by action, have been programmed to fear 'false accusations'.

When you have entire cultures that have been plagued by the repercussions of false accusations, it becomes natural to challenge all accusations even if only in your mind.

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I don't understand your reply, could you explain please.

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To Kill a Mockingbird is a book (and later a movie) whose plot is centered on a story of a Black man falsely accused of rape by a White woman. The setting is Alabama in the 1930s.

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And how does it relate to Russell Brand being accused of rape?

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Burden always remains on proof of claim. That’s the point in all cases brought before the justice system.

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They're trying to create a similarity in people's minds between the charges of rape against Russell Brand and the racist agenda against black people in the Jim Crow days of the Deep South, fueled by a charge of rape.

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To Kill A Mockingbird was about race in the Deep South. It wouldn't have been so successful if the man had been white, therefore just about rape.

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> But I can tell you they’re going about their days in recording studios and publishing houses and TV studios and on theatre stages as we sit here now.

> And no one is saying a damn thing.

Uh-huh. Ouch. Spot on. Saw a tweet the other day that said: "I've had to see a tweet today from someone who assaulted me last year making the same cringe joke as every other male comic about how he's not the one being named. I'm not trying to generate a story here, but this is exactly what's happening."

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That's how it is being female and it always will be.

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It’s time it isn’t.

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Name him

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Thanks for the essay.

Key phrase here: “Journalists carefully sift through rumour and third-hand accounts, track down the people mentioned in those rumours, discount anything that can’t be verified.”

I wish this were the case. You should amend that to say “credible journalists” because there are so few that are and so many that aren’t these days.

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You seem to be saying that trial by media is OK. You seem to be saying that to be found guilty by media means you are actually guilty, no doubt about that, because media are such good investigators. Should we do away with our extraordinarily expensive legal system and hand the responsibility over to the media? Is finding someone guilty and applying the punishment before any trial has taken place now a legitimate role for the media?

Are there any grey areas?

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Sep 23, 2023
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The length of the investigation shows how hard it was to find anything. It is not the trump card you think it is.

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So no due process? No ‘innocent until proven guilty?” Why was the media the first stop, not law enforcement?

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This isn't a court of law, it's investigative journalism. You can draw your own conclusions.

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Pity theyre not so hot shot on investigating how the bombs get from our factories to be dropped on Gaza women and children. Or don't your pay bosses let you care about THEM. We all know who OWNS the media.

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It’s also called mud-racking.

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I mean, if you’re going to hurl baseless accusations.

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Sep 21, 2023
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As someone who has been molested, who went to the cops and got nowhere and ended up suing successfully, I also used to think that courts determined truth.

Unfortunately, the system isn't really like that. There are a lot of factors that influence the likelihoodof prosecution. Including the fact that defendants having the ability to fund exceptionally resourced counsel reduces the changes of a conviction - which, in turn reduces the likelyhood of cases being tried.

Not what the TV shows tell us, but that is my lived experience.

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Sep 22, 2023
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If you really squint you can almost NOT SEE the consistent pattern of behaviour reported by multiple people over years and years. If you shut your eyes completely, you don't even need to know it's there. You can just blindly believe a person who has told you what to think of him from day one. The all-powerful truth teller somehow had gained a reputation for sexually assaulting women long before he decided to jump on the conspiracy train. But maybe that was just women pre-emptively blackening his character because they could see the future.

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I'm not. I didn't say anything about Brand. I just told you about my experience.

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Loved reading this Julia, it felt a relief to hear it summed up the way you’ve done.

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Thank you so much. x

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First, there is nothing wrong with Brand's figurative use of the word 'baroque' (his Guardian columns showed an excellent command of language in a different league from Raeside's) and the failing jibe is indicative of the paucity of Raeside's case elsewhere. I don't know what is more squalid, slowing down Brand's speech in the first clip to sound like he's slow and slurring or her absurd belief that how she 'believes' actors playing anonymous accusers is enough to vilify a man as if due process is irrelevant. That's totalitarianism. I don't think even Jacob Rees-Mogg would be happy to sound this right wing. It's horrific.

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Sep 24, 2023
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It does not follow that those who value the presumption of innocence are in favour of crime. How disappointed you must have been that Kevin Spacey had a chance to defend himself - or is it just Russell Brand you think should be denied due process?

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Sep 24, 2023
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Oh dear.

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I’m reading this a year after you wrote it. I wish I’d read it earlier, it would have helped me understand an absolutely brutal experience I had after writing an opinion piece for a major news organization.

I wrote an essay about what it was like to report a rape and endure a trial, then went through an absolutely brutal fact-check over every word. It lasted for days, and the legal department was relentless. I’ve written for other media outlets and have never gone through such a ferocious grilling.

The day after they finally published it, the same organization let Trump lie with impunity about E. Jean Carroll.

I still don’t have the words which would adequately express my rage. But your piece does help me understand what I went through. It provides context, and I’m truly grateful. Thank you.

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President Trump was honest.

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If he was, it was a rare occurrence.

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Nov 4
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Fuck off Jane

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I don’t think it’s fair that accusations, before convictions, should have the power to strip someone of their income or voice.

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Well you're a moral coward who would let a pedophile used car salesman off because of a statute of limitations. There is a greater Law at stake which a judicial system cannot rigorously provide facility to in it’s current formulation. But sure, let's let the monsters live amongst us. That's worked out well.

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Russell Brand does not describe himself as a giant in the first clip. He is referring to 'Gulliver's Travels' whose metaphor he applies to those who gossip (and not the subject of gossip).

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You’ve put it so well I won’t try to add except this behind the scenes perspective. As someone who has spent a lot of time in the world of performing arts, I wonder if the thing people outside this world don’t realise is the incredibly easy access men have to abusing women sexually. The lines are blurred - the work itself imitates extreme aspects of life. There’s tremendous intimacy created through the work itself. I was harrassed before I even trained and was harrassed during training. Plus it’s a very loyal community in which there’s tremendous instability. These aren’t traditional corporate structures - this is contract work. There’s no HR. So yes, this is endemic to performing arts and it takes incredible bravery to come forward. It’s a small, insecure community. People who do come forward often don’t work again: take that in, people.

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Peter Tchaikovsky had a patroness. Her condition for the relationship was that they never meet. It occurs to me that the condition assures neither is able to be accused of sexual congress. It also occurs to me that ALL of the other patronage relationships in Russia were expected to include sexual congress.

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Brand got taken down as he was too popular and his non mainstream narrative opinions were getting attention and traction . So take him by media justice. He had a terrible but known past and long ago

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I have no opinion about the accusations, about which I have no personal knowledge. I have a very strong feeling that nobody, male or female, should be cancelled based on unproven accusations. Even if I think the accusations are probably true. This mostly happens to men, and it has widespread support on the Left. But the tables might well turn, and they might find their own oxen gored. If that happens I will still believe that nobody should be cancelled based on an accusation.

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